
Jane Lorentzen recognized with Award of Merit from the Iowa State Bar Association

H&H attorney Jane Lorentzen was recognized with Award of Merit from the Iowa State Bar AssociationThe 75th Annual Award of Merit was presented to Jane V. Lorentzen by The Iowa State Bar Association on June 22, 2021. The Award of Merit is the highest honor a person can receive from the association and signifies the principles of dedication to the legal profession, the bar association, and the community.

Jane Lorentzen has been a practicing attorney in Iowa for 30 years. A graduate of the University of Iowa and Drake University Law School, Jane primarily practices in workers’ compensation defense. Jane received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and enjoys complicated medical issues in workers’ compensation litigation. She is a frequent conference speaker on workers’ compensation topics.

Jane has worked on complex medical cases including: COVID-19, death cases, heart attacks, intoxication defense, closed head injuries (traumatic brain injuries), mental claims involving depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), occupational hearing loss, toxic chemical exposure, mold exposure, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), infections, quadriplegia, and paraplegia cases.

Jane Lorentzen is a former President of the Iowa State Bar Association and the Iowa Association of Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee. Jane is the current President of the Iowa State Bar Foundation Board of Directors, and she serves as a State of Iowa delegate to the American Bar Association.